Dr Barman's
Welcome to the official Dr Barman's website for Belgium, Holland and Luxembourg.
Discover the different models of Superbrush toothbrushes, and have them delivered to you in less than 48 hours!

Dr Barman's is more than 40 years of experience as a dentist!

"Teeth brushing is an intrusion for my teenage and disabled daughter. With this brush I manage to properly clean her teeth on all three sides at the same time. It is really practical and she accepts it much better than any other. brushes "
D. Dubois
"good product corresponding to my expectations, practical, easy to use for people with disabilities and probably for aging people too, for perfect oral hygiene. I recommend this article"
Ph Renaud
"Awesome product! I can't do without it"
Mr. Delfrange
Quick contact
Dr Barman's toothbrushes, including the famous Superbrush, are distributed by the company Castelbel,
specialist in the dental world for over 45 years.
Superbrush van Dr Barman's wordt verkocht door Castelbel NV,
meer dan 45 jaren actief in de tandartswereld.
PHONE: +32 4 77424626
E-MAIL: info@drbarmans.biz